My life: work, fun and then some...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Right to the point

New Year: New Year is a time where overweight fat asses pay for 3 months of gym memberships and go maybe 3 times in the first month, if they get their fat ass off of the couch and turn off Judge Judy or Maury. The time every year where my parents stop smoking for about 3-5 days then start again because of the stress me and my brother put them through, or something like that. Time where we all go out and get drunk and watch a stupid fucking ball be lowered off a building. New year is a great time, we start it off drunk, lie to ourselves, and then go back to our normal denial state of mind 2 weeks later...
(Urban Dictionary)

Bardzo trafne. No to lepszego 2008...


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