My life: work, fun and then some...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Spanish for beginners

Well, the original plan was "Italian for beginners", but after weighing up many pros and cons, I have finally decided to sing up for Spanish classes. 2 hours per week, 10 weeks, in the evenings.

I am freaking out a bit, as I haven't attended any classes or actually studied for ages, but I am excited. I am starting in 3 weeks, on Wednesday, April 26th and I hope that 10 weeks later I'll be able to say more than "Entrada prohibida" and "Muchos gracias".


  • At 7:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    que bien:) si quieres practicar espanol, solo dime;) puede ser tu maestro espanol, un maestro virtual .

  • At 8:03 pm, Blogger Daga said…

    Yeah, right. Try me in May maybe, I can only say "what??" now ;-)


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