My life: work, fun and then some...

Friday, April 07, 2006

So what?

Rumours are going round about the Lost Gospel of Judas. The Christian world is deeply moved, as the Gospel says that Jesus asked Judas to betray him. And so goes the story, the guy wasn't really representing the forces of evil, he wasn't greedy and so on. The Gospel of Judas puts him in a really positive light instead, identifies him as a Christ's favourite and portrays his betrayal as "the fulfilment of a divine mission to enable the crucifixion", without which the Christianity foundation couldn't take place.

I don't understand, why people are so worried, though. For me, a 100% agnostic, it doesn't make too much of a difference, but what has really changed for the Christian world since the Gospel was revealed as an authentic piece of a papyrus document? Right, they've been misjudging Judas for ages and apparently he was a genuine guy with a very important mission. Shouldn't they be happy though? One bad person less...

These are some pointless ramblings, I know. What I am trying to say is, that I understand the archeological value of this discovery, but why be so worried about all other things?


  • At 2:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Because it puts jesus and god in totally different light. Once we assumed he was innocent and was betrayed by one of his students now we learn it was his masterplan and he knew he will be killed, why he was praying "eli lama..." - "Oh god why have you left me" if he planned his own crucifixion. It was his destiny and as a God he knew he will resurect.
    There are many questions more, just because of judas
    This is the problem of christians.

  • At 2:37 pm, Blogger Daga said…

    Hmm, I haven't read the Bible in ages, but I am pretty sure Jesus knew he would die anyway - I mean, wasn't it his initial plan? I mean, he knew Judas would betray him, right? So, it WAS a masterplan, whether Judas was a bad guy or not. From my perspective that's a piece of good news, this papyrus. After ages of utter misjudging, we finally learn that Judas was a very decent bloke.

  • At 5:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The betrayal of Judas marks the beginning of antisemitism in the Christian civilisation (i.e., the Jews betrayed and killed our god). If Judas can be acquitted, that would be (hopefully) a step towards more ecumenism and harmony between our religions.

    That's why it's important.


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