My life: work, fun and then some...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The best laid plans of mice and men... went awry

Yes, they did. Well, I am maybe over-reacting, but...

- I was supposed to go to Windsor this weekend, but I didn't because it was raining cats and dogs (beautiful and sunny Saturday morning was actually a god-awful joke).
- I was supposed to buy a pair of trousers and a suitcase today, but I didn't. Instead, I bought another pair of shoes (cannot complain here), two Ben Sherman tops (well, cannot complain here either) and some cosmetics. I still need a suitcase though!
- I am still hoping for Paris next weekend, but this is most likely not gonna happen either.

And last, but not least - I have just realised, that we switched to British Summer Time last night, which basically means less sleep.

On a positive note - it's getting warmer. In other words - spring has finally decided to come here. Just about time!


  • At 10:34 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What a weather girl you`ve become since you went to UK:)
    Today it`s raining in Warsaw, but yesterday we had a marvellous day.

  • At 3:40 pm, Blogger Daga said…

    Well, it's quite hard not to be a weather girl in London...

    You know how it feels, when the sun starts to shine? It's like a miracle. In other words - it doesn't happen too often. Actually, it hardly ever happens. Well, it's shining now, but I am quite sure it will become cloudy within next 10-15 minutes... Oh well, London...


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